Bill Cluck, Diane Huebner, Patty Ryan, Griff Brown, and Kaya Kotzen

Meet the 2024 Board

Bill Cluck, President

bio coming soon

Diane Huebner, Vice President

bio coming soon

Patty Ryan, Secretary

After a career in customer service in utilities, hospitality, and shipping, Patrece Ryan semi-retired in 2007 and moved to Star Valley, Arizona. In 2014, Patrece was accepted into the U.S. Peace Corps. She spent twenty-seven months serving in the Education Sector in Guyana, South America. After returning to Star Valley in 2016, she became a Precinct Committee Person and activist while taking on occasional seasonal jobs with concessionaires within a variety of National Parks. She partners with her son and a cousin discovered on Ancestry to develop their genealogy roots. She is currently developing her memoirs to pass along to her son, daughter, and three grandchildren. She enjoys exploring the Payson area, hiking, and kayaking.

Griff Brown, Treasurer (and immediate past President)

E. G. “Griff” Brown lives in Payson, Arizona, and has since the year 2000 when he was retired out of the United States Air Force. He was born and raised in Arizona.

His lifelong dream had been to be a history teacher, but duty with the military department of Arizona intercepted that goal. He served almost thirty-five years in a full-time position with them as a civilian technician or active-duty member of the United States Air Force.

The desire to study and research DNA developed upon learning after his DNA testing identified a location in Spain as a possible origination point of his first grandfather with their DNA SRY2627 marker.

He has written four books during his retirement. Two are genealogy in format the second two are historical/fiction in content concerning his early family and their trail of DNA from northern Spain into England then America, thousands of years ago. He is preparing to publish his fifth book.

His wife is the former Sarah Phillips Coffey of Chandler, Arizona, a retired school teacher from that city. Besides writing and searching his family genealogy he cares for twenty-two giant ponderosa pine trees, one holy rock, and five billion totally lunatic squirrels that possess suicidal tendencies with a death wish...but that is another topic!

Kaya Kotzen, Member at Large

bio coming soon